Binding a quilt involves a trim edging & usually performed either by hand or machine sewing.
This method uses cloth strips or decorative trimmings which will " bind" all 3 layers together for a finishing appearance.
This method uses cloth strips or decorative trimmings which will " bind" all 3 layers together for a finishing appearance.
Binding for quilts can either be purchased or made from fabrics.
The tutorials below is helpful explaining the how to's with binding methods & making binding from cloth.
Most fabric centers carry packaged binding. Quilt binding also known as wide and double folded bias tape comes in a variety of colors. Pink Quilt binding was used for binding this baby quilt. Among the binding packages are also various decorative trimmings for decorative sewing and with binding a quilt, like rick-rack which also comes in various colors and in small and jumbo sizes.
White Jumbo Rick-Rack is used to edge on to the pink binding for the baby quilt,
adding a sweet touch for a baby quilt.
Measuring the sides of the baby quilt discovered that 2 package each of the Rick-rack and with the Pink Quilt binding would be needed for this project. Measuring and adding all sides determines the amount needed and with adding a little extra for the give will determine the total amount required to bind a quilt.Once sewn begins the next step with pinning the binding to the quilt to be sewn.
The rick-rack is sewn and added to one of the edges of the pink binding, time to pin the binding to the quilt & care among the corners by mitering the 4 corners neatly for sewing.
Binding with rick-rack with machine sewing shown.
And with care to the corners ensuring the backside is flat when sewn. Mitering the edges can be sort of a challenge when sewing to perfection, which comes with time and experiences, just as I have heard and learned from this quilt.
The quilt binding finished with the jumbo white rick-rack.
With one step left to do.. & time to label this quilt for gifting .
Next & final step: quilt label